I am interested in what inhibits us as humans, what gets in the way of taking practical action and our ability to respond to life. I am interested in going beyond these inhibitions to awaken innate curiosity, creativity, and embodied knowledge in myself and in others. Through working with the modalities of SourcePoint Therapy and Breakthrough, I aim to support individuals in their everyday lives to better respond and creatively engage with the world around them.
SOURCEPOINT THERAPY is a simple, non-invasive method of energy work designed to support the emergence of health inherent in the individual at all levels. The protocol works with specific points and structures in the energy field that connect the physical body directly to the blueprint of health: the information of order, balance, harmony and flow. SourcePoint also utilizes a body scanning technique to release energetic blockages and remove obstructions to the flow of information from the blueprint. This work is intended to enhance and expand on all other work being done at a physical level to support health, including allopathically.
IN-PERSON SESSIONS - I offer Community SourcePoint sessions in Delhi, NY at Bushel Collective every Wednesday from 12 - 3pm. Sessions are 45 mins and $20-40 sliding scale. For more information and to sign up go to
REMOTE/VIRTUAL SESSIONS are offered on Zoom. Sessions are 60 mins and sliding scale of $50-$150
BREAKTHROUGH is a gentle and insightful process that puts one in touch with the healing nature of conflict. Fueling all conflicts is the unconscious imperative towards self-healing. This means that, at the heart of something we spend our lives trying to avoid, there lies the very thing we need to experience. This is very different to conflict resolution, and is not about replacing belief systems with positive thinking. Instead, the protocol takes us on a journey way below the surface of individual conflicts to a place where deep healing can begin.
I am currently offering 3 FREE Breakthrough sessions in exhange for the commitment to complete them over a three-month period.